Survey 25 is a milestone for radio online.
Since RRadio Network was created in October 2001,
over 32,000 online radio listeners have painted a picture
of exactly "who" listens, "what" they like/dislike about
advertising, and "how" to create better ads and programs.
For the first time, RRadio Network surveys have placed
demographics in a comparative format to that of broadcast
radio: 12-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-49, 50-54, and 55+.
The RRadio Network audience breakout is:
Note: Individual stations offer a wide variety of demographics.
Respondents to RRadio Network surveys are made
aware they are helping online radio grow. With this
in mind, the following represents their answers to:
"What in a radio ad is most likely to get your attention?"