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January 28, 2005
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This is NOT the Publicity Radio Needs

There are a couple of questions I'd like to ask management and staff of New York City's Hot 97, WQHT-FM, now that they've succeeded in putting radio on the world map. Even though their intent was to get the WQHT call letters noticed, having this fiasco discussed in the world's press shows how big a stick struck the hornet's nest.

Let's see... 200,000+ dead - that's DEAD - in the biggest natural disaster multiple generations have witnessed, and the station's morning crew airs a sleazy parody song? Then, the best the station comes up with is "HOT 97 regrets the airing of material that made light of a serious and tragic event."
"If Emmis does anything less than replace the whole team (GM, GSM, OPS Director, Program Director, and morning crew), the license should be revoked, and other people should be given a shot at using this radio frequency for the good of the community." [Note: Emmis did none of these.]

Question #1-directed at Miss Jones, in reference to her exchange with Miss Info... (If you are not aware of the words between the two, read about the story through the link below. Miss Info, who is Asian American, challenged Miss Jones' airing "The Tsunami Song," which started this mess.)

...ah, the question: How could you speak to a co-worker this way?

Here's a taste of Miss Jones' concept of entertainment and respect for folks she works with: "You feel superior, probably because you're Asian." MJ has a co-host that obviously feels the same way. Todd Lynn interjected, "I'm gonna start shooting Asians."

Question #2-directed at management: Do you really expect anyone to believe you had no knowledge of this, through its multiple airings between Jan. 17-21?

That this subject was even joked about shows a lack of sensitivity from the people in control at WQHT-FM, even though being sensative to a community's needs is required when holding a broadcast license. That there's only been a "suspension" of the morning crew is disgraceful. They should be fired, and it should not stop there.

If Emmis does anything less than replace the whole team (GM, GSM, OPS Director, Program Director, and morning crew), the license should be revoked, and other people should be given a shot at using this radio frequency for the good of the community.

It's obvious that thought never crossed the current management's mind.

While the broadcast side of radio has a near lockout on indie artists, introducing music is open wide to internet stations.
Here's a Country artist to consider:
Lisa Mowry - "Some Things Are True"

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We listen for songs that evoke emotion; fast, slow, female, male, group, it doesn't matter. When an artist has the power to please, they should be given a chance to be heard.

Give Lisa Mowry - "Some Things Are True" a listen.

Add it to your playlist, free! Such is the new world of music distribution.

The radio industry had its shot. It's time internet radio programmers take a chance and reach into a huge pile of talent. It is there that new hit songs will increasingly be found.

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