Online Radio Industry and Indie Artists
Each morning I receive about ten email requests to "take a few minutes" so I can hear what's described as "the best (fill in genre) music." I check Facebook and there's another dozen or so requests to attend events - many, in lands far away. As each is sent to the trash my thoughts go to how much time these folks wasted.
"When selling yourself or station, do your words show an attachment to the recipient's life? Do they generate curiosity or promise satisfaction?"
The above paragraph could be about an indie artist or a programmer in the online radio industry, which shows them commingling needs.
Let's talk about this desire for attention, to build an audience. It drives people in these groups.
There are opposing mindsets at work here: 1) the artist or radio station programmer who believes they produce top quality content - a person would love what they have, if only they'd sample it for a minute or two; and 2) the consumer whose intent is to be quickly satisfied while asking what do you offer me.
You need no reminder we live in an ADD afflicted society.
Promise of "good" or "free" provides sufficient traffic when you can reach tens-of-thousands or millions of people. (I'll identify 0.4% as a response number that's average - 4 react for each 1,000 persons reached. Please note that's "react," not buy.)
Though, what of the typical indie artist and radio programmer? Someone whose
ability spans an email list a couple a thousand names strong may have an even smaller reach within social media circles.
How does an artist or station owner present themselves so that it draws a person's interest?
With consumers given so many options, you, as an entertainer or curator of audio programming, must present a first impression so strong it prevents trashing of your message. Think.
How much effort goes into your communications with a potential audience member?
When selling yourself or station, do your words show an attachment to the recipient's life? Do they generate curiosity or promise satisfaction?
Connecting with your potential audience is time-consuming. It requires understanding of social media, email, and a number of other disciplines like data base management.
Also, the way you communicate with fans is different than how you interact with bloggers. So you need command of the written word.
Knowing the art of search engine optimization helps, but we're too far down that road. SEO is extremely difficult, and it requires long term commitment. Few indie artists will find SEO success. An even smaller number of radio station will succeed; there's just been too much activity by too many top tiered players. This area is no longer a level playing field.
We know you have talent. Your songs are incredible.
Your radio program features good music, and your banter is brilliant.
No matter what's offered to me, though, is going to be good enough to get me off my routine to sample your work unless what's placed before me piques curiosity, or promises to satisfy a craving or emotion.
So shape your words carefully, especially your opening line. You have about three seconds to grab my (or anyone's) attention. If you lose me in that short span, I'm gone.
Today's indie artist introduction is to...
We listen for songs that evoke emotion; fast, slow, female, male, group, it doesn't matter. When an artist has the power to please, they should be given a chance to be heard.
Give Dolly Rappaport's "Am I Dreamin'?" a listen.
Add it to your playlist, free! Such is the new world of music distribution.
It's time internet radio programmers reach into a huge pile of untapped talent.
It is here where new hit songs will increasingly be found.
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