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Monday, November 11, 2013
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Online Radio Industry and ACA

The Affordable Care Act is either the greatest government rollout since Medicare, or it's going to come crashing down.

Republicans are doing everything in their power to cause failure. Democrats are pushing hard to get it to work. If you run a radio station online or over the air, it's a giant opportunity for revenue provided you don't let politics get in the way.

From radio industry trades, we read how GSMs are waiting for ACA ad dollars to flow. The latest that I've seen, though, states how those dollars may not be as large as expected. That's not a problem. It's an opportunity.

Here is a system for the radio industry to make money off the Affordable Care Act; a system that lets radio enlighten its audience in a non-partisan way. It also lets your station sell local sponsorships. Think about helping your audience understand a complex new health plan, while giving local businesses a way to tie into what everyone is talking about.

You can present "New Health Plan Info" with 1-minute audio vignettes for radio. This continuing series of programs explains the Affordable Care Act: the "how," "why," and "what the public should do."

"New Health Plan Info" vignettes come with a web site to further explain and guide the audience -

( is an Audio Graphics' concept.)

This is one time when the radio industry has an opportunity to take a top-of-mind topic, remove the politics, and help its audience.

The programs are free, written and voiced by veteran radio newsman Mike Olszewski, who is best known for his work at the legendary WMMS-FM. Today he is an educator covering a wide range of media, speech and communications classes at Ohio's Kent State University, the University of Akron and Notre Dame College.*

Whether you run an online radio station or broadcast, these programs are free for you to use and sell!

The radio industry can wait and see what ad dollars drop into its lap when/if the government decides to run radio ads. Or, radio stations can use these free, researched, quality programs that explain a concept everyone has questions about, and sell local sponsorships as adjacencies.

Sample New Health Plan Info vignettes.
Shopping for Health Care
Veterans and the ACA
Can I Get Subsidies

Stations: Air these 1-minute vignettes, free!

Will the radio industry jump in to explain what's ahead and make money off the idea? Or wait to see what the government hands out?

It's your move.

* More on Mike Olszewski: Mike is curator and archivist for the Ohio Broadcast Archive and Museum, a statewide project at the University of Akron documenting the history of Ohio's radio and television. He's authored several books on media and popular culture, including Radio Daze: Stories from the Front in Cleveland's FM Air Wars (Kent State University Press, 2003), and WIXY 1260: Pixies, Six-Packs and Supermen (Kent State University Press, 2011) among others. Mike is also the president of the Siegel and Shuster Society, the non-profit group that promotes Cleveland as the place where Superman was created and the characters have continuing influence on popular culture.

Today's indie artist introduction is to...
Alternative artist The Blisscats
sample song
Hey Johnny!

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We listen for songs that evoke emotion; fast, slow, female, male, group, it doesn't matter. When an artist has the power to please, they should be given a chance to be heard.

Give The Blisscats's "Hey Johnny!" a listen.

Add it to your playlist, free! Such is the new world of music distribution.

It's time internet radio programmers reach into a huge pile of untapped talent.
It is here where new hit songs will increasingly be found.

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